Test UAT

1. Download the checklist

2. Generate input and expected output file from CSTAR-CLI tool

Customize and run the following command:

cst sender aggregates --sender <ABI> --action trx_and_aggr --aggr-qty 10

Check if the files are created correctly.

ls -a ./generated

Example of expected output:

.               ADE.12345.TRNLOG.20220607.202239.001.01.csv.expected
..              CSTAR.12345.TRNLOG.20220607.202239.001.csv

3. Run the Batch Service

Make sure to use the UAT check preset for this test.

Run the Batch Service and upload to the input folder the transactions file, which follows the naming conventionCSTAR.<ABI>.TRNLOG.<DATE>.<TIME>.001.csv.

From the root of CSTAR-CLI customize and run the following command:

cp ./generated/CSTAR.12345.TRNLOG.20220607.202239.001.csv /PATH/TO/BATCH/SERVICE/INPUT_DIRECTORY

4. Compare the expected output file with the produced one

  • Move to CSTAR-CLI root.

  • Customize and run the following command:

sh ./integration_check/scripts/003-expected-file-check-UAT/script.sh ./generated/ADE.12345.TRNLOG.20220607.202239.001.01.csv.expected /PATH/TO/BATCH_SERVICE/OUTPUTDIR/ADE.<ABI>.TRNLOG.<DATE>.<TIME>.001.01.csv

Expected result:

PASS, the files are equal!

5. Compare the produced output file with the deposited one

This step requires a backend processing of the file uploaded in the previous step.

Please to wait at least 3 hour before running the following script.

  • Move to CSTAR-CLI root.

  • Customize and run the following command:

sh ./integration_check/scripts/004-remote-file-check-UAT/script.sh /PATH/TO/BATCH_SERVICE/OUTPUTDIR/ADE.<ABI>.TRNLOG.<DATE>.<TIME>.001.01.csv /PATH/TO/ACME_UAT.certificate.pem /PATH/TO/ACME_UAT.key UAT_API_KEY

Expected result:

PASS, the files are equal!

6. Compare the downloaded AdE error files with the generated one

Please note that Agenzia delle Entrate is not involved in the following test.

The errors downloaded have the sole purpose of testing the Batch Service correct functionality.

6a. Generate a test AdE error file

After a successful run of script 004-remote-file-check-UAT a file should be created inside <cli-root>/deposited-remotely (referred in the following command as DOWNLOADED_FILE.csv).

  • Move to CSTAR-CLI root.

  • Customize and run the following command:

sh ./integration_check/scripts/005a-extract-ade-ack-UAT/script.sh ./deposited-remotely/DOWNLOADED_FILE.csv /PATH/TO/COMPANY_NAME_UAT.certificate.pem /PATH/TO/COMPANY_NAME_UAT.key UAT_API_KEY

Expected result:

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 201 Created

6b. Compare the expected test AdE error file with the downloaded one

After a successful run of script 005a-extract-ade-ack-UAT a file should be created inside <cli-root>/generated/ade-acks (referred in the following command as EXPECTED_ADE_ACK.csv)

Please wait at least 1 hour after the run of script 005a, then:

  • make sure to empty the Batch Service's AdE errors folder,

  • start the Batch Service,

  • make sure AdE error files are downloaded (e.g. by submitting another test input file).

Indicated waiting times are valid only in testing environment.

In production environment errors return will depend on general process pace, including Agenzia delle Entrate processing steps.

  • Move to CSTAR-CLI root.

  • Customize and run the following command:

sh ./integration_check/scripts/005b-ade-ack-remote-check-UAT/script.sh /PATH/TO/EXPECTED_ADE_ACK.expected /PATH/TO/BATCH_SERVICE/ADE_ERROR/DIRECTORY

Expected result:

PASS, the files are equal!

7. Send the compiled checklist

Once the test on UAT is completed, send the compiled checklist by email to cstar@assistenza.pagopa.it with the following subject:


8. Run your own test

From now on you can run your own test with your custom input files.

Last updated