Obtain an API key
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Last updated
The Batch Service needs an API Key to invoke PagoPA APIs. To obtain the key for API access, you must subscribe to our developer portals (one per environment).
Developer Portal URL
For PROD environment the registration email must be the one specified in the agreement with PagoPA.
If you have not yet signed the agreement please do not proceed with the registration on PROD portal!
Please follow the instructions below:
Open the developer portal. Click on sign up, you will be redirected to the registration (below)
Insert your credential and submit, you will receive an email to confirm your account. Please click on the link in the email to activate your account.
Log in the developer portal with your credential and click on "Products"
Select the subscription RTD_API_Product
Enter your sender code (the one that PagoPA assigned to your company, usually is your company ABI code) and click on Subscribe.
The outcome of the subscription will be visible under “Profile” in the menu, as shown below. The API Key will be enabled only after PagoPA approval. Wait for the activation email (see next page).
The Production Environment will be enabled by PagoPA only after you complete the test checklist in UAT