Wait for activation email

Mutual Authentication Certificate Signature email

You will receive your signed certificate attached to an email that looks like this:

from: no-reply@secops.pagopa.it

to: youremailaddress@COMPANY_NAME.it

subject: A new certificate has been signed - PagoPA CA


Certificate details:

Type: clientAuth

Intermediate CA (DER format): https://ca.secops.pagopa.it/...

Intermediate CA CRL (DER format): https://ca.secops.pagopa.it/...

Root CA (DER format): https://ca.secops.pagopa.it/...

Subject: IT Yourcity Yourcity COMPANY_NAME Certificato client Batch Service - COMPANY_NAME youremailaddress@COMPANY_NAME.it

SAN: --

Activation of API Key email

You will receive an activation email that looks like this:

from: apimgmt-noreply@mail.windowsazure.com

to: youremailaddress@COMPANY_NAME.it

subject: Your subscription to the RTD_API_Product



Thank you for subscribing to the RTD_API_Product and welcome to the PagoPA developer community. We are delighted to have you as part of the team and are looking forward to the amazing applications you will build using our API!

Last updated