Appendix 8 - Database connection for Spring Batch

Spring Batch uses a repository on which you can track the executions performed by the service. If there is no particular configuration: an in-memory instance will be executed to allow the batch to be executed. Please refer to the properties in the section 7. Repository in this page to define the usage of a persistent database.

The only external database supported is PostgreSQL.

PostgreSQL configuration

Please refer to this file to create the schema.

An example of environment configuration to append to your custom script:

export ACQ_BATCH_DB_CONN_URL=jdbc:postgresql://
export ACQ_BATCH_DB_HOST=localhost 
export ACQ_BATCH_DB_PORT=5432
export ACQ_BATCH_DB_SCHEMA=public 
export ACQ_BATCH_DB_USERNAME=postgres
export ACQ_BATCH_DB_PASSWORD=postgres
export ACQ_BATCH_DB_DIALECT=org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect

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